CLG LENTEN RETREAT | Finding Christ in the Crisis: What the Pandemic Can Teach Us

  • 13 Mar 2021
  • 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Virtual via Zoom - meeting details will be sent one day prior to event


cordially invites you, your family and other guests to attend

Finding Christ in the Crisis:
What the Pandemic Can Teach Us

Saturday, March 13, 2021
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Virtual Meeting
Zoom meeting details will be sent prior to event

The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected the life of the Church. The suspension of public Masses and disruption of parish life have left many feeling disconnected from Christ and his Church. As Catholics, we are wrestling with the theological, spiritual, and practical ramifications of the pandemic and how to discern God’s will in this time of crisis.

At the annual Catholic Lawyers Guild Lenten Retreat, Fr. Harrison Ayre and Michael Heinlein will help us examine how we might hear God’s call in the crisis. Through scriptural interpretation and examination of particular realities of the Faith, we can realize that, while we may at times be restricted in our access to the sacraments and even to pastoral leadership, the effects of this pandemic are by no means a defeat. Instead, as men and women of faith, we have an opportunity to rediscover the heart of our Catholic identity and to find God in the midst of the storm.

Retreat Format: This virtual retreat will have prayer, small group interaction, large group conversation, and will conclude with Mass. 

Who should attend: Our retreat is open to Catholic lawyers, young Catholic professionals, and all others who are interested.  All are welcome.

CLE Meeting credit: Attorneys will be eligible to receive ONE hour of CLE  meeting credit.

There is no cost to attend, but we do encourage you to make a registration donation if you are able.
Pre-event registration is required to attend.

We hope you can join us!